Thursday, September 9, 2010

Memory Book Questionnaire - Copy/Paste and send it out ASAP!!!

Memory Book Questionaire

Please answer the following questions and submit to Nancy Teer-Wolever: 
or John "Smiley" Garrett: 

Copy and paste the following in your e-mail client and send to above e-mail addresses.

1. Did you marry someone from our class/school?
2. How many times have you been married?
3. How many children do you have?
4. How many grandchildren do you have?
5. How many places have you lived in since graduation from SHS? 
6. Where do you call home now?
7. Where have you traveled to in the last 40 years?
8. What are you favorite memories of high school?
9. What are your worst memories of high school?
10. Favorite movie of the late 1960's....current 21st century?
11. Favorite songs of the late 1960's...current 21st century?
12. Favorite read of late 1960's...current 21st century?
13. Are you more active in sports today than in school?
14. Where did you see yourself at this point in your life in 1970?
15. Did you make your goals?
16. What types of jobs have you held in last 40 years?
17. What goals do you have for the next 10 years?
18. Where would you like to travel to in the next 10 years?
19. Biggest High school crush?
20. Favorite teacher (or biggest influence)?
21 If you could have had any other job (without talent, education, or openings barring the way) what would it have been?

Thank you for making Your Reunion a Success!!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Have your filled out your Memory Book Questionaire?

See the link to the right with the Questions and where to send them for the Memory Book.

Check out the Pre-Reunion Event: Friday, 9/17!

Informal Pre-Reunion Event:

When:  September 17 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Where:  Farrelli's Pizza
              15007 Main St E
              Sumner, WA

What/Why:  The class has been asking if there will be any additional opportunities to meet with our friends/classmates. So to answer that request, we have provided this Pre-Reunion Event. This event will be 'No Host' (your dime) but the venue provides good food and drink at reasonable prices.

...Please let us know if you would be interested in attending.
Who:  More information? 
Contact: Chuck Guerrin
Susan Angeline McGuire
Betsy Rioux Eiford Dave Burns

More information can be found on the Sumner High School Class of 1970's Facebook Group Page, RSVP, who else is coming, share memories, videos, photos,  and more: